

最近才發現我放在網路上,國小時所寫的一篇暑假作業,竟然在批踢踢上引發熱烈討論!看討論內容不禁叫我啼笑皆非啊! 下面是當時的作業:



Since childhood I experienced many things, Some made me angry, some made me cheerful, and there were also other things that made me regret or disappointed! But there was nothing like this one, because it was unforgettable to me.

When I was in the six-grade, I participated in the Asian Pacific cup Saxophone Competition. I had always played in a band before, so it was my first time to be a soloist on the stage and I felt nervous about it. For the competition, I especially chose a difficult sonata and I listened to this piece of many different players’ playing on the Internet.  Being the saxophone leader in my band for a long time, I thought I had to win the competition.

A sonata means a piece is played by an instrument with a piano. For that we actually need a pianist. But it is expensive to hire a pianist. However, my piece was too difficult for an elementary student to play, so I could not ask my friend to play it with me. In the end I decided to ask my music teacher to help me to record the piano part so that I could practice with the recording by myself. When I told her about the competition, she told me that she could help me to play at the competition and asked me to practice at her place. We started to rehearse after I had done my part well. Because the piece was very complicated, it was difficult to play together perfectly even we were both very familiar with our own parts. My teacher kept telling me how to play the rhythm correctly, where to play with great passion and emotion, and when to turn the music into softer part. Finally, I did it very well and I was satisfied with the recording we did in the end.
On the day of the competition, when I was playing on the stage, my sound was not with perfect resonance as usual. This was because I missed a part of the music. And for the mistake I was self-blamed until I finished my playing that day. I felt that I let my teacher down. So I did not have the mood to wait until the final announcement. In the end I got the second prize for only 0.5 point lower than the champion. I felt disappointed for days even I got the prize. And it becomes the most unforgettable experience in my life.


2012 山葉音樂學術獎學金開始受理申請

為鼓勵國內音樂科系學生能朝「成為世界級音樂家」努力,日本財團法人山葉音樂振興會( Yamaha Music Foundation of Japan),從2001年起在亞洲地區開辦「山葉音樂學術獎學金」,繼馬來西亞、印尼、中國之後,台灣地區亦於2002年起公開甄選就讀於國內大專院校音樂系主修鋼琴及電子琴之優秀學生頒贈獎學金。此外自2007年第六屆開始,甄選項目更增加了西洋管樂器。也就是說薩克斯風主修也有機會啦!

本獎學金係由Yamaha Music Group in Taiwan、日本財團法人山葉音樂振興會 共同提供。

受獎名額/獎學金: 參名/每名新台幣陸萬元整。

獎學金申請期間: 即日起至2012年1月31日止 。


薩克斯風四重奏( Sax Quartet 2004 )






其中一首是Time to say Goodbye,

